2024-2025 Breeding Plan
Miniature Nubian
Doe Buck Due Date Notes
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Vermont Mapleknoll Spiceoflife
New Morning JC Mount Mansfield
Doe Kids = $500​
Wethers = $150
By breeding Spice to Mansfield, we expect their kids to have excellent breed character and general appearance, gentle temperaments, and be easy to milk. Polled kids are possible.
These kids will be F1, first-generation, miniature nubians and can be registered with MDGA.
Doe Buck Due Date Notes
Doe Kids = $450
Wethers =$150
This breeding brings together two exceptional standard nubian lines with robust miniature nubian ones. Mansfield is expected to enhance the front-end structure over Saratoga, as well as improve the height and attachment of the rear udder.
Polled kids are possible. These kids will be F2, second generation, miniature nubians, and can be registered with MDGA.
Click pictures above for pedigree information
New Morning SO Saratoga
New Morning JC Mount Mansfield
Doe Buck Due Date Notes
Click pictures above for pedigree information
New Morning Penny Lane
New Morning JC Mount Mansfield
1 Doe Kid to be retained
2nd doe kid = $500
Buck Kids = $500
This will be Penny's second freshening. Unfortunately, our attempt to A.I. Penny to CA Blackberrys Moon Man was unsuccessful.
She has been rebred to Mansfield. With this breeding, we expect to increase the width, improve general appearance and shoulder structure. This pairing should result in highly productive milking goats.
These kids will be F2, Second-generation Miniature Nubian and will be able to be registered with MDGA.
Doe Buck Due Date Notes
Click pictures above for pedigree information
Quatroviento Yonyon
Stumphollo Rocketman
1st Doe kid retained
2nd ​Doe Kid = 450
Wethers = $150
Yonyon will be bred to Rocketman in order to increase substance of bone and flatness of rib.
Yon is an SR, Supplementary Registry doe, and Rocketman is a BG, British Guernsey buck. Their offspring will be FB, Foundation Book level guernseys in our breed-up program. Doe kids can be registered with the British Goat Society.
Bucklings will be sold as wethers.
Doe Buck Due Date Notes
Click pictures above for pedigree information
AI to
Treasured Sunrise Hadrian
1 Doe kid retiained Doe kids = $500
Buck kids = $500
ToughGirl is set to be our sole Guernsey A.I. this season. We believe Hadrian will be an excellent choice for enhancing substance of bone and general appearance. The kids will be British Guernsey (BG) and can be registered with both the British Goat Society and ADGA.
Doe Buck Due Date Notes
Doe Kids = $500
Buck kid = $400
Wethers = $150​
With this breeding, Lola will freshen for the first time. Rocket will likely improve on general appearance and width. The kids will be BG, British Guernsey, and can be registered with the British Goat Society as well as ADGA.
Click pictures above for pedigree information
Treasured Sunrise HaloofGold
Stumphollo Rocket Man
Doe Buck Due Date Notes
Click pictures above for pedigree information
Treasured Sunrise Yowie
Stumphollo Rocket Man
1 doe retained
Doe Kids = $500
Wethers = $150​
This will be a repeat breading. We really liked the strength Rocket added to Yowie's kid this year. We will likely be retaining a doe kid if we get one and offering Yowie up to another herd.
Kids will be BG, British Guernsey, and can be registered with the British Goat Society as well as ADGA.
Nigerian Dwarf
Doe Buck Due Date Notes

Click pictures above for pedigree information
Vermont Newmorning Halleys Co
BusyB Goat Farm OC Tango
Doe kids = $400
Wethers = $150
This will be a repeat breeding. Tango is expected to improve teat length and placement as well as capacity. Kids can be expected to have good general appearance and the will to milk. Polled kids are possible.
These kids are purebred nigerian dwarfs
For Sale - $500
For Sale - $500